Back in the middle 1980’s I had a real ’40 sedan in my garage as a project (never completed however) at the time and this is what I wanted that car to look like in the end. I went to some extremes on this one with working front suspension feature A-Arms from a late model Mustang, working rear suspension, opened doors and hood, and more. The body can be lifted off the chassis to see the chassis work, brake and fuel lines, and other details. The engine is a 302 Ford just like my real plans were. Unfortunately I finally realized that I had two life time projects in the real world, the ’40 and my ’69 Mustang, and only one lifetime to cover them. I sold the real ’40 years ago but kept this model as a reminder. (This was a LOT of work…)
Edit 2019: Ironically since the “life time project” statement I have acquired the 1988 TurboCoupe, the 1985 SVO, the 1989 Ranger and the 1966 Galaxie fro projects… thinking I should have kept the ’40 now.. lol