The car isn’t perfect, but it’s perfect for me. Still needs paint but besides the front fenders and hood, that was crappily repainted after a lady pulled out in front of me in 1977, the rest is not bad for 40+ year old job.
Still some other things I want to do to the car that includes getting the dealer add no AC system working, readjust the windows so they work properly, and finalize all the door seals. But otherwise it “runs and drives” as they say. Actually it runs pretty good 🙂

I was there in the beginning of the very first Knights show and this was a goal to get the car back to the 30th show… goal accomplished!

Found a great deal on the console, front seats are Foxbody seats recovered by myself
Can’t see it here but in the dash are mechanical oil pressure and water temp gauges
Also put my nostalgic tach in the dash as well.

I cut a piece of light plywood to fill the package tray and covered it in matching vinyl to match.