Throttle Pedal/Cable, New Computer Location, Vent Work and Wiring Needed
Note: In the end I did NOT go with the EFI setup and kept the car old school carbed.
Picked up a 5.0 throttle cable off ebay and made it work. The mounting tab was quite easy as the top bolt hole lines up with the single hole for the original cable. You just need to bend the mount tab to match the firewall and drill a new hole for the bottom bolt. (yet to be done here)
Inside it is a little more difficult as the 5.0 cable has a small end and the ’69 had a large barrel end. I took a piece of small pipe that fit the curve of the connection, made a cross cut and then a vertical cut allowing the cable to slice over and down into a position keeping it from coming out. The orange silicone host is there to keep the cable centered in the pedal support and preload the end to keep it stable. The biggest concern is the throttle pedal height. It really appears pretty high with this cable. Might have to bend the arm down some to make it right.
New computer mount location. After looking at mounting the computer behind the heater box I changed my mind since I might be purchasing a full blown AC/heating unit in the future that would use that space. Additionally it would be quite difficult to get to the computer for any maintenance or future performance enhancements.
Wider shot of the computer mount where you can see where the dash will be mounted. Since this panel is easily removed for access (I always left out side screws in the past anyhow). The ECC and O2 power relays will mount on the small custom mount tab below the computer which will also hold the final wiring harness. The strap is simple sheet metal that wraps around the computer with rubber feet isolating the computer. A rubber bumper is also used on the far end of the computer to insure it is stable at all times.
This is the passenger side vent that needs some repair. At this point I think I will simply weld up the holes, reinforce as needed and Rust Bullet it all to keep it clean in the future. The vents will then be sealed in using silicone sealer instead of the crazy foam gaskets used from the factory.
I do not remember doing this but I may have forgotten things over the year. It appears the starter switch and connection was replaced at some time in the car’s history. All the connections were wrapped/ crimped back together and the gauge on the switch is noticeably larger. In any manner re-solder and shrink wrap fixes are in order.
The car isn’t perfect, but it’s perfect for me. Still needs paint but besides the front fenders and hood, that was crappily repainted after a lady pulled out in front of me in 1977, the rest is not bad for 40+ year old job.
Still some other things I want to do to the car that includes getting the dealer add no AC system working, readjust the windows so they work properly, and finalize all the door seals. But otherwise it “runs and drives” as they say. Actually it runs pretty good 🙂
The car’s first outing in June 2015 at the 30th annual Knights Auto Club show. I was there in the beginning of the very first Knights show and this was a goal to get the car back to the 30th show… goal accomplished!How the Stang looks like in August of 2019 – Still needs paint someday… or maybe notFront view – Looking at youInterior is complete minus dealer add on AC to install yet. Found a great deal on the console, front seats are Foxbody seats recovered by myself Can’t see it here but in the dash are mechanical oil pressure and water temp gauges Also put my nostalgic tach in the dash as well.Rear seat is all original still – no recover. I did buy the Foxbody rear seat cover for a someday project. I cut a piece of light plywood to fill the package tray and covered it in matching vinyl to match.Rear quarter – not perfect but not caring about perfectUnderneath – Drive shaft was out for the moment. Stainless gas tank, narrower 9″, flowmaster exhaust, Global west sub frames.Blurry pic but can see the fuel pump and fuel line routing.
The following are migrated pages from the time the Stang was being built and rebuilt. Plans changed along the way so unless you follow it all the way through it may not make sense for the end results.
The Stang as it sits in 2019 – Been running since June 2015
Believe it or not, the old Mustang was my FIRST car… and I STILL have it. Purchased in the fall of 1974 while I was still 15 years old, the car had no idea of what it was in for. I distinctly remember the pain of having the car setting there in the driveway but having no (legal) means to enjoy driving it. Originally equipped with a two-barrel 351 Windsor engine, the car was extremely jacked up in the rear with no engine modifications. I spent the next several months cleaning and detailing my new found love in preparation for my 16th birthday. It was probably cleaner then than it ever has been since. Since I worked at an A&W drive-in before I owned the car, I definitely had ‘car fever’. For the first year of my ownership, the car was left pretty much alone. I did lower the back end down some by removing the air shocks that were in addition to the re-arched springs.
The way it was – back in the early 1980’s…
Hot Rod Heaven The reason I say that decision changed my interest in the car is that IF I had bought the side pipes, I feel certain I would have been primarily concerned about the ‘showiness’ of the car and nothing about performance. By buying the headers I got a taste of increasing performance. I loved tinkering with my dirt bikes looking for that ‘extra edge’ before I got my car license so I guess it might have been natural to do the same with the car but now I was hooked.
The car became nearly my ONLY interest and I continued to try
to get all the performance out of it I could. The next improvement was a new intake
manifold. I wanted the Ford ‘Shelby’ intake for the 351W but at nearly $200 back then, I
just couldn’t come up with the cash. I settled instead on a ‘split port’ job which
probably was a good choice since it would help provide more low end torque. Of course now
I had to have a four-barrel carb too and a new 780cfm Holley was in order.
What Was Next
Middle 1980’s
The summer after my 17th birthday I had a dilemma… I had some extra money I wanted to spend on the car. But what to do? I originally went to purchase some fancy ‘side pipes’ of the day… those that look like you have full headers exiting behind the front tires and then dumping into a big 4″ pipe. (In reality you only had a 2″ pipe feeding that big 4″ unit but it still looked pretty cool. It definitely wouldn’t help performance any though.) Once I got to the store to buy the pipes something happened. I can’t remember if they didn’t have them stock or I just chickened out.
I ended making a decision that I personally think changed my interest in the car for a long time to come. Instead of buy those ‘showy’ pipes, I came home with a new set of Appliance brand headers and shorty header mufflers. One of the downfalls of the Ford Windsor engines was it’s limited exhaust capabilities and one of the best performance mods you could do to a car back then was headers. So after my friend Tab Marsh and I spent a day and a half trying to get these headers on the car… (it was a real pain since the car had power steering back then) we were ready to ‘race’.
Performance improved dramatically and now I was ready to get serious (ha ha) about racing. I remember that summer of street racing nearly every night and working on tweaking the car out during the day. By then I had ‘moved up’ to working at the Humpty-Dumpty grocery store as a checker. This gave me the whole day to work on the car, work the evening shift, and then go racing after getting off work. The most fun was racing a huge guy we called ‘Tiny’ in his 440 powered Chrysler. The car was completely stock and would run head-to-head with my modified ‘Stang. Of course we would have been lucky if we were running 15 or 16 second quarter mile times but the was fun… and dangerous too. Somebody must have been watching over me all those years since I was never present during any mishaps while street racing.
The Next Step Eventually the old Stang became a much healthier horse with a complete replacement of the 351W in favor of a much modified 302 Windsor. Although it sounds funny replacing a 351 with a 302 to improve performance, one has to remember the time frame this was in. The 351W was a lone pony in the mid 70’s with hardly any REAL performance parts available for it. The biggest problem was in the bottom end of the engine since the 351 had pretty weak rods and the longer stroke that tended to limit it’s reliability at higher RPMs.
Additionally I had a friend that was just getting out of the Ford hotrod business and had a complete bottom end and original 289 HiPo heads he wanted to get rid of. Aha! I snatched up the parts including special Ford heavy duty 302 rods, a worked over cast crank, TRW 12.5:1 forged pistons and a solid lifter Ford 289 HiPo cam. I took an existing block I had and did a makeover on it chamfering all the castings and holes, having it bored out to the .030 over, had the whole assembly balanced and rebuilt the 289 heads including a three angle valve job, new springs and aluminum retainers, screw in studs and a few other items
A Edelbrock dual plane manifold toped off the engine and a dual-point Accel distributor and coil provided the spark. With the addition of a 5:43 to 1 Nodular Iron carrier rear end, the little pony felt pretty good on the street. (Of course one couldn’t drive anywhere except around town and gas was almost a dollar a gallon but dang it WAS fun). In the early/middle 80’s when the car was at it’s best performance wise when the 302 was pulled back down and a Boss 302 steel crank added, motor re-balanced and a different cam added. The only ‘official’ place I ever ran was a 1/8 mile drag strip in Lawton Oklahoma where it turned a best of an 8.02 ET. I’ve been told that should equate to around a low to mid 12 second quarter but I guess I’ll never know.
Me on high school graduation day in 1977
The Way It Was 2001 As
of 2001 the car sat in the garage in the middle of a long, long rebuild
project… in fact it’s being going on now for nearly 10 years and it’s
not much further along than it was when it began. I have a plan but
time, money and commitment are hard to come by today. I have not idea
what type of engine configuration I would like to use and even if I’ll
go back with the automatic or look at a 5 speed option.
I thought I really wanted to drop a later model EFI motor in the thing
but nostalgia keeps pulling on me to keep it carbureted and fun to drive
but still capable on the highway. Of course I don’t have to worry about
that for some time to come since there is so much work to do.
(Update 08/28/2001) With my son Austin just about 6 years old he is getting interested in the old Stang and things are starting to happen again. Since moving to our New House, the car has finally made it into the garage for some father and son car fun. Austin is now crawling under it, wanting to sit in it and ready to help ‘put it back together’. Of course he doesn’t quite understand the long time and effort it takes to make this happen yet but hey, we’ve still got 10 years until he’s 16.. 🙂
(Update 08/13/2005) Wow.. four years ago I was going to do something with this car. The fever is here again and this time it’s do or never do. The plan is updated and a page for progress has been put up under Follow the Rebuild… so follow the rebuild! And BUG ME if it doesn’t appear I’m getting anything done.
(Update 08/10/2014) So our son is now heading off to college this week and many opportunities have been lost for time working on this car together. BUT we did have great times on several of his car projects and continue to work on things together as time allows. The car didn’t make it by his 16th birthday but he’s had Mustangs, and Nissan’s and Subaru’s in the mean time that we’ve had good time with.
Now it’s time to scale down and man up to get the car at least on the road by mid 2015.
August 2001 – lots of work needed – Son in the driver’s seatAustin in 2001 with the car torn apart – need to repeat this picture sometime to compare
I’ve been interested in cars from the very beginning like many little boys I guess. Always loved my Hot Wheels at a very young age and loved all things with wheels.
Currently owned – Owned this car this 1974, my first car when I was 15 years old. Summary and pretty complete rebuild diary of the work done over the years.
Currently owned – Needed a 4×4 and apparently another project the Ranger came along for $400 and not running. Long term I have a 1993 Explorer 4×4 chassis, engine, and driveline that is the long term upgrade. For now it’s running and working good enough with it’s old clacking 2.9L.
Currently owned – My son started getting interested in another old car project while in college and we found this old Gal for $500 as a long term project for he and I. Since then he’s had a beautiful baby girl, started a new career, bought a new house for his family and the Gal lives at our house. Slow progress continues however.
Currently owned – My father purchased this truck new in 1994 for a commuter vehicle and to have a pickup. He drove it as his main vehicle until his passing in 2004. The last time he took our son Austin out to buy a toy before he couldn’t drive any more was in this truck. My mother passed it on to Austin in 2017 for him to drive. He added some 30″ tires and wheels like the Ranger has on it and put quite a few miles on it. Even today however, it still only has about 95k on the odometer.
In 2019 Austin needed a bigger truck to get his family in so I bought the truck from him and will be using it for a nice driver often. Plans are to put some 2007 Mustang wheels and tires on it and lower it back down as I already have the 1989 Ranger as an off road truck.
More content coming soon.
1991 Mustang GT
Sold – Austin’s first car – sold long ago but it was a very nice FoxBody.
1995 Nissan 240SX Project
Sold – First father / son car project with Austin. One wrecked red car, one white roller ends up with one fun car in the end.