I have made progress lately on the Mustengo Drift(ish) Trike. The scratch built wiring harness is complete, plastic boxes have been formed for the battery and electronics, external connections for the battery for charging or a tender done, and external fuse mounted.
Not seen below is a GPS speedo mounted off the handle bars. I also changed the intake to be an inline version that looks better to me. I finally figured out how to hold the reversed pedals up using a strap of leather (now burned/aged to look rougher) which is similar to a stirrup strap used on a horse.
It even starts and run now, so down to the details getting the axle and brake finalized and then testing it before blowing it apart for final welding and paint.

I ended up falling back to the standard vertical box for the rear axle mount after trying to make a different layout work. It just made things too long and too complicated for the chain routing to work
The tape measure is trying to simulate my leg position while setting based on my leg length and knee location. I’m not sure that is going to be very comfortable, so either the frame needs to be stretched more, or the foot supports need to be extended. Either will work, but it the thing gets too long it’s going to be hard to turn with the live axle and the handle bars may be a stretch to reach. I’m pretty sure I’ll end up extending that pedal crank that I cut in half and made foot rest and make them fit my leg length.

I’m waiting on some different wheels and tires, as these are cool and magnesium, but mounting them has been a huge problem. I’m going to use them on a remote control 4 stroke powered weed eater motor project I think. The tires don’t hold air long and would be cool on a project like that.