Pedals, fitting, and waiting for pipe

Picked up the two pedals on the left from eBay for clutch and brake. The one on the right is left over from the pedal set for the 69 Mustang. A hinge was added to the throttle pedal to allow a future cable connection.

This is the add on lever for the brake rod activation. The rod looks like it will have a pretty clean run from the tiny rear disc used on the tranny to the front pedal mount. We really can’t tell until the pipe gets here to put the front chassis together.

The basic drive layout is as shown. The existing tensioner should work with the existing clutch control. Either cable or rod drive clutch activation will be used (likely cable for the pull needs). A 5″ front pulley is planned (not the one shown since the engine has a 1″ shaft) and a 3.5″ rear. That combination with the 13:1 final tranny drive should provide a 9.1 to 1 final drive which is supposed to be about right for racing lawnmowers so maybe it will work here as well.

Drilled the holes (all eight!) for the 1.5″ tubing to run through for the front chassis mount. The lower cross member is the one from the mower while the one on top was picked up from a salvage yard a couple years ago. Didn’t really know what we were going to do with it back then but it’s worked out perfect now. The pipe will connect the front cross member with the rear.

Here is the basic engine chassis after sanding off the paint and mocking the engine back up. We made a template of the existing motor mount tabs out of paper, flipped it around and marked/drilled the holes to mount it. The transmission mount holes are also done as well.

This is the rear view of the engine chassis. The transmission mounts at the very end of this This is looking from the back of the future kart forward.
Waiting on pipe…
The steel pipe has been ordered but we are waiting on delivery. Ordered 12 feet of 1.5″ and 16 feet of 1 1/8″. The 1.5 inch is the basic chassis and will connect the two cross members together and will also be used for support across the two frame rails. The 1 1/8″ pipe is for the cross over roll bar and the two front roll bars as well as for the steering system mount. Hope the pipe gets here soon so we can actually make the thing look like a go kart then.